NEWS - Friday, July 20, 2018

Guts and Glory Has Hit the Xbox One
There is a unique audience out there that enjoys different types of games, and one such game is Guts and Glory, which recently hit the Xbox One.
What the hell is Guts and Glory you ask? Well, that is a AWESOME question that we at XBA might just have the answer for. The game is said to be the craziest game show on earth, where ordinary people compete in extraordinary challenges of life and death, for glory!
The objective is simple: Race to the finish line while everything tries to kill you.
Dodge spinning saw blades, deadly spikes, explosives, turrets, and a growing list of other hazards—while navigating insane tracks set in a wide variety of environments. A game full of LOLs and WTFs and OMGs, where failing can be just as much fun as winning. Do it to prove your awesomeness. Do it for the laughs. Do it for the glory.
If ouar explanation did not do enough for you, then check out the trailer below:
Source: Pres Release